How does a company move from traditional business to digital transformation?

Digital transformation is a process that involves integrating digital technologies into all aspects of a business, with the goal of improving efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness. As more and more companies are realizing the benefits of digital transformation, many are looking for ways to move from traditional business models to a more digital approach.

One key aspect of digital transformation is the adoption of new technologies. This can include things like cloud computing, big data analytics, and artificial intelligence. These technologies can be used to automate tasks, improve decision-making, and gain insights into customer behavior.

Another important aspect of digital transformation is the development of new business models. This can involve moving from a product-based model to a subscription or service-based model, or using data and analytics to create new revenue streams.

In order to successfully move from a traditional business model to a digital one, companies need to have a clear strategy in place. This should include identifying the specific areas of the business that can be improved through digital technologies, as well as developing a plan for how to implement those technologies.

One important step in the strategy development process is to conduct a digital maturity assessment, which can help to identify the areas of the business that are most in need of transformation. Once the areas for improvement have been identified, companies can then develop a roadmap for how to implement the necessary changes.

To successfully implement digital transformation, companies need to have the right culture, people and processes in place. This means having a strong leadership team that understands the value of digital technologies and is able to lead the organization through the change.

In addition, it is important for companies to have a dedicated team in place to manage the implementation of new technologies and processes. This team should have the skills and expertise needed to design and implement new systems, as well as the ability to train and support employees as they adapt to the new way of working.

Overall, digital transformation is a complex process that requires a clear strategy, the right culture, people and processes, and a dedicated team to manage the implementation. Companies that are able to successfully navigate this process will be well-positioned to take advantage of the many benefits that digital technologies can provide.


  1. “Digital Transformation: A Roadmap for Billion-Dollar Organizations” by McKinsey & Company,
  2. “Digital Transformation: How to Create a Winning Digital Strategy” by Deloitte,
  3. “Digital Transformation: The What, Why and How” by Forbes,
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